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Thu Apr 10 07:39:19 PDT 2003:23:43 PST 2003: Version 3.0.20 release. Introduction of 'raw include' directive, PSP comments that are stripped during compilation, and migration from Data::Dumper to Storable (better performance and smaller serialized sessions).
Thu Feb 27 06:23:43 PST 2003: Version 3.0.19 has been released. This realease includes bugfixes to the compiler, as well as enhancements to the proxy.
Tue Oct 15 19:44:51 PDT 2002: More work on the developer's manual has been done.
Tue Sep 24 06:45:46 PDT 2002: 3.0.18 released, which is mainly bugfixes and small enhancements to included HTTP proxy.
Thu May 23 12:31:52 PDT 2002: Jason has implemented the first version of a cross site scripting prevention module. There are alot of documentation changes happening in the codebase, we're moving to DocBook as our documentation format, and a serious effort is underway to create both administrators' and developer's manuals.
Tue May 7 07:22:27 PDT 2002: Version 3.0.16 has been released. The ChangeLog has detailed information about what has been updated. This is a stable version that is currently in production use.
Fri Aug 17 06:59:35 PDT 2001: work has started on an HTTP proxy as part of a regression testing framework to be built into pas. The initial version has been checked in to CVS. To find out more, read the http_proxy document.
Pas - Perl Application Server. This instance of Pas evolved from two previous projects, Pas1 and Pas2. The goal of these projects was to create an environment, an architecture for building highly dynamic websites. Something that was raipd to develop with, made good use of OO to promote re-use, seperated logic from presentation, and was as flexible as possible.
For more information, please read the overview, have a look at the developer's manual, or see the documentation directory.
See the project
Current versions can be downloaded from the Files page.
You can download archived versions here.
Right now, the best way to keep up with what's going on with Pas (news, updates, etc), if you're not interested on getting on the mailing list, is to read the ChangeLog.
The basic design of Pas has similarities to Java Servlets and Java Server Pages. It uses what looks like an embedded perl in html sytax, psp (pas server pages), and an object model for pages.
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